Digital Information Technology

A Different Kind of Better Centre would like to introduce you to Digital Information Field Technology. This is a new perspective of science. The aim is to identify the deeper causes of disorders in the information field and then to eliminate them at their origin in the same field. It is comparable to taking a homeopathic remedy.

Health Imbalances have Complex Causes…

i.e., psychological, viral, bacterial, genetic, work-related, or family causes. Our state-of-the-art equipment with a quantum physics interface, determines patterns required by the patient’s information field to regulate itself again. It then detects the causes of disorders in the information field and activates their elimination. If these causes are eliminated, energetic blockages will also disappear.

An information field analysis and balancing process is called a session and lasts 3-4 weeks and pulses out at various intervals during that time. This can vary from a micro-second to every 2 minutes to 56 minutes once a week, or any other timing that is determined by the analysis. These corrective sessions are relational to our physical and emotional well-being and are aimed at bringing about a balanced information field which in turn brings about an optimal physical and emotional environment. A re-analysis and new session are set up each month. There is nothing to remember or take on a regular basis. All corrective vibration patterns go energetically into the client’s information field. “Information Field” medicine is a new method developed to find deeper causes of imbalances within the information field and to eliminate these causes at the same level by treating the body with pulses of corrective information. “Based on our research we believe that there are energetic fields, which hold information for the regulation of bodily processes and act as a link between body and consciousness.”