Fibre is necessary to prevent a lot of health conditions, but it also helps with weight gain management. There are different types of fibre:
1. Soluble Fibre: This fibre dissolves in water and turns into gel during the digestive phase thus slowing down digestion. It improves sugar control by slowing down the rate that food empties from the stomach which delays the rise in blood sugar after meals. It also helps with hunger control.
2. Insoluble Fibre: Does not dissolve in water. This is a fibre that is found in food. It is easy to find out what foods contain insoluble fibre just by using the internet for a complete list. This fibre goes through the intestine without being broken down and this helps keep your bowel healthy.
3. Inulin dietary fibre: Inulin is a prebiotic fibre. Here is an excellent article on this type of fibre: adding fibre to your diet it should be done gradually as too much too fast can increase gas. It will also make you feel bloated. Also, when you add fibre to your diet make sure that you increase your water intake. Yes…I said water intake not fluid intake.
Now there are lots of different recommendations on how much water to drink daily and at this point I will leave it up to you to do the research on this, but, an increase is a MUST if adding more fibre to the diet.
You should also check with your physician if there are existing medical conditions where fibre would be contraindicated.
Fibre is beneficial in so many ways. Good luck on your journey to better health.